Plenty of activity around the farm! Recent weather has brought plenty of snow and ice. Unfortunately, many trees and power lines took the brunt of the damage, and cleanup is still on-going. We’ve began hauling limestone to locations for fall application. Although well in advance of the spreading, we’re taking a proactive approach to sourcing our product for 2014. In recent years, the demand for limestone ahead of harvest has quickly depleted stockpiles at the quarries, which leaves more expensive alternatives to fill our needs. With the weather volatility experienced through recent planting windows, we hope to alleviate some of the summer lime hauling pressure.

The shop remodel project is moving forward… the foam insulation, metal and heat sources are complete, and lighting/electrical has begun. Concrete has been poured for the new drainage system, the we’re running airlines for servicing equipment. Other activities on the docket include preparing equpment for spring and two trailer projects managed by Blake… redesigning our fuel/service trailer for more efficient in-season repairs and maintenance. Knowing seasonal breakdowns will occur, we’re hoping to make the needed repairs as quickly as we can! Stay warm.