Although I might be praying for rain in a couple months, I am currently content with the abundance of moisture in the soil! Over the past 10 days, we have received roughly 5 inches… mixed with a little high wind and hail. Field activities have been suspended until conditions improve, but the poor weather has allowed for corn hauling to resume. We have delivered 25,000

bushels to ADM’s Decatur processing plant over that period, and I anticipate emptying our last grain bin on Friday. I’m pleased that the hauling is nearing conclusion, but I’d wish we had another 30,000 bushels to deliver at these prices! Supply and demand is definitely at work, and the high price correlates to lack of supply available in the marketplace. I’m pleased that we have corn planted, but the 40-50 degree weather is not too conducive to a plant growing. I’ve included a few pictures of the grain hauling operation at Cribbet’s bin site and a structure we built last fall. To combat the erosion of the past few years, we built a spillway from cinder blocks to reduce the speed of water flowing into a waterway. We’re excited to report that the structure has held up throughout the winter into this early spring!