With corn and soybean planting and sidedressing complete and spraying winding down, we had the opportunity to focus on our bin project this past week. The dry corn bin is now fully erected, and we emptied the corn out of the bin that will be raised. The raised bin will be used strictly for holding wet corn before it is dried and transferred into one of the dry grain bins. By raising the bin, we will increase our wet holding capacity for corn at Duane’s to accommadate 100 acres. The improvements made to the drying system should increase speed and efficiency at harvest.
Washing and putting away equipment were also favorite farm pastimes over the course of last week. Depending on the weather’s permission, we anticipate hauling rock to the bin site and mowing roadsides in the coming week. Crop conditions look great… we were pleased that the corn grew enough to withstand some of the punishing rains incurred over the past month, and the drowned-out, bare spots of the past few years are absent.