The last few weeks have truly been action-packed around the farm! We have finished sidedressing and spraying corn, and the early planted soybeans have been sprayed too. We are currently waiting for the remainder of the soybeans to grow larger before the post-application is done. Roadsides have been mowed, and the majority of the spring equipment has been washed. In the upcoming week, we will be hosting a group of Brazilian farmers (on the 10th) and the Decatur Public School 4th and 6th graders (on the 12th). We love the opportunity to share the positive aspects of Ag, and we enjoy learning from our consumers also. Blake’s three varieties of edamame are growing quickly, and despite all the rain, look great. This new venture should be interesting to watch unfold over the next month! The spring flooding continued over the past few weeks, and much of the replanted corn and soybeans were lost. I’ve included a few pictures of the abundance of water. With field operations coming to a close, we have had the opportunity to work on some of the less-pressing projects… such as our new farm rock. Given to us by a friend, we had our logo engraved in November. The rock sat under a tarp in the shed until recently. After setting the rock in concrete, Duane and Tina added the finishing touches by landscaping.