Panama: A semi being loaded with a container at a loading facility in Colon.View from inside the sprayer cab. Through the implementation of our data management program, all production application will be sent to the cloud by the machine.We eagerly await Spring spraying. Larger tires have been put on the sprayer to limit compaction during pre-plant spraying.A third-generation Japanese strawberry farmer gives a tour of one the greenhouses used for production. The strawberries are sold into the local market.Panama: The Panama Canal expansion project is in the final stages… estimated completion in May 2016. This picture shows the new design.Panama: The Panama Canal expansion project… looking towards the west. The original canal is visible in the background.Japan: Grant on the observation deck at a soybean processing facility in Kamisu-Higashifukashiba. The vast majority of imported soybeans into this facility originate in the US.